


The Metal Powder Industries Federation, a Federation of trade associations that includes the Metal Injection Molding Association, has a publications department that offers the most extensive selection of titles found anywhere related to the science, technology, and business of powder metallurgy and particulate materials. You can find books, conference proceedings, and digitally downloadable products covering every aspect of PM, and order them easily online for shipment anywhere in the world. If you are interested in specific technical papers, visit the MPIF Digital Library.

If you’re looking for online information on powder metallurgy components, consider reviewing the PickPM.com website—a site dedicated to helping end users discover the benefits of powder metallurgy processes.



Standard 35, Metal Injection Molded Parts

This standard provides the design and materials engineer with the latest engineering property data and information available in order to specify materials for components made by the MIM process.






Metal Injections Molding: A Comprehensive MIM Design Guide

This guide organizes the facts on the process options, materials, properties, design features, manufacturing tolerances, applications, markets and costs to enable the design community to best utilize this net-shape production route.




Injection Molding of Metals and Ceramics

This publication provides an introduction to an exciting forming technique that relies on particles mixed with thermoplastic binders to shape complex components via injection molding. It furnishes an understanding of the steps, options, successes, and engineering attributes associated with powder injection molding (PIM) as a manufacturing process.

The book is applicable to a wide range of materials. Process descriptions are given for metals (MIM), ceramics (CIM), intermetallic compounds, cermets and composites.



Standard Test Methods for Metal Powders and Powder Metallurgy Products, 2025 Edition

52 standards covering terminology and recommended methods of test for metal powders, powder metallurgy and injection molded parts, metallic filters, metal additive manufacturing, and powder metallurgy equipment.





Soft Magnetism, Fundamentals for Powder Metallurgy & Metal Injection Molding

This book introduces the subject of soft magnetism to engineers, technologists and technical sales personnel who have responsibility for components processed by Powder Metallurgy (PM) and Metal Injection Molding (MIM). Emphasis is placed on the practical relevance of the processing parameters on the soft magnetic properties of the resulting parts. Information on terminology, standards, and conversion factors is included in the form of appendices.


PIM Compilation (4-Part Series)

This series of PIM publications is a collection of technical manuscripts as presented at the annual MPIF conferences from 2000 through 2006, and recorded in the subsequent official conference proceedings Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials. The intent of this series is to present a single source for review of the current developments of the PIM process as offered through the annual MPIF conference.

The series comprises four parts, PIM Compilation I – Powders, Binders and Feedstocks, PIM Compilation II – Molding, Debinding, Sintering, PIM Compilation III – Secondary Processing and Material Properties, and PIM Compilation IV – Applications and Management Issues.



A Collection of Powder and Material Characterization Standards for Metal Injection Molding - 2025

A Collection of Powder and Material Characterization Standards for Metal Injection Molding – 2025 contains 15 MPIF Standard Test Methods that can be applicable for the characterization of powders used in the metal injection molding processes, with an explanation of each standard. These standards, intended to present and clarify MIM technology as an aid in conducting business, relate to those activities that concern designers, manufacturers, and users of MIM parts.


The Science of Stainless Steel Produced by Powder Metallurgy and Metal Injection Molding

This compilation is a review of technical literature and current knowledge on the processing of PM stainless steel. This fully searchable PDF contains 35 technical papers from sources such as the annual MPIF International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, the International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, and SAE International. The selected papers contribute to identifying the proper processing parameters to achieve improved properties for PM and MIM components.


MICRO PIM Workshop 2009

The Final Report on the Workshop on Scientific Issues for Medical and Dental Applications of Micro/Nano Powder injection Molding--Molding, Sintering, Modeling, and Commercial Applications is now available. This unique workshop, organized by Randall M. German and Young-Sam Kwon, was held March 4-6, 2009, in Orlando. The workshop focused on identifying the scientific challenges in projecting PIM to smaller features and smaller devices, what is termed microminiature powder injection. A major opportunity is in minimally invasive surgical tools, pacemakers, implants, dental tools, biopsy tools, and replacement bones. This report includes a 53-page summary. Over 44 organizations participated in the workshop, including 15 universities and three research centers.


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